Friday, January 13, 2012

My Newborn Layette

Disclaimer: I have NO idea what went wrong with the typing in this post. I tried to correct it but
I am technologically challenged and couldn't. And there was no way I was going to delete and 
re-type. NO way. So you'll have to read it like this. :)

I'm a little bit neurotic when it comes to preparing to bring a newborn home.
There are a few specific items I MUST have and I'm a big believer in setting up 'stations' for
where these items should be placed.

I always set up two 'newborn care stations.' One near the rocking chair where I nursed,
which was usually in our TV room. And one near the changing table. Near my nursing chair I used an end table or even a TV tray, whatever worked, and I set up all my necessary items that I would need
during the night and during the day. I spent countless hours in this chair with each newborn and wanted
everything nearby.

Item #1- Mylicon Drops            
When we brought our first baby home we were clueless. She cried and fussed and we tried everything but not much was helping. While talking to a friend of mine she told me to try these drops to help with the baby's gas bubbles in her tummy. I tried them and noticed a HUGE difference. Baby #2 was even MORE fussy and MORE gassy than baby #1. I was using the drops but they weren't doing as much good this time. In desperation I called my pediatrician. The nurse told me that I could use a lot bigger dosage than the bottle listed because the simethicone in the drops does not get absorbed into the baby's system, rather it 'hooks' onto the gas bubbles and passes through. MIRACLE FROM HEAVEN! I started giving her more drops, more often throughout the day and noticed a big difference. The name brand of these drops (Mylicon)is pricey. I have used all the generic ones and they work just as well            I bought several bottles each time I brought a baby home:one for diaper bag, upstairs station,            downstairs station and one for the medicine cabinet.

Item #2- Burp Rags             
I've used all kinds and I prefer the disposable diaper kind. Not the real thick ones but the              thinner ones. They're almost like a cheesecloth material. I bought them at Target in a pack of               12 I think. They are thin and lightweight and easy to throw over your shoulder or arm or to               wipe up spit up real quick. And they fold up small so they're easy to pack in the diaper bag.  I feel like I had one of these things permanently draped across my shoulder for months after I brought home each baby.

Item #3- Lansinoh            
I didn't know about this miracle cream until I had my 3rd or 4th baby. It's amazing. During               those first few weeks of nursing I get REALLY sore and this cream does an amazing job at helping with that. You put some on after each time nursing and you don't have to worry about wiping it off before you nurse the next time. Very convenient.

Item #4- Aquaphor             
LOVE this stuff! It's a skin ointment that is scent free and it works so well on dry, chapped skin and is AWESOME for preventing and healing diaper rash. Desitin can sting really bad, especially if your baby's rash has some red, raw spots. Aquaphor does not sting at all. 

Item #5- Nose Syringe and Saline Drops             
We used to call this the nose sucker. They usually give you one in the hospital to bring home              but if not, make sure you get one of your own. Newborns always get little stuffy noses which              makes nursing more of a chore. Gotta keep the noses clear. I prefer the Ocean brand of nose            drops.

Item #6- Hand Sanitizer             
Love having a small bottle of this at the nursing/changing station. So much more quick and               convenient to use after changes and before nursing. And if you get the pump bottle you can do it one handed!

Item #7- Diapers/Wipes              
It's crucial to have a supply of these nearby. If you have a two story house, make sure have a supply downstairs.

Item #8- Boppy Pillow              
This pillow saves your back and shoulders when feeding your baby! You can use a regular              pillow but I think the Boppy is easier since it can be set right up against your waist and the baby can be propped up right on top of it.

Item #9- Pacifiers!!!           
This one is a personal necessity. :) Not everyone uses pacifiers but I did, religiously. When I knew my baby was fed, changed and comfortable but she was still a little fussy,  the pacifier would usually do the trick. I only had one of my six babies that would not take one. Now she is 5 and still sucks her thumb.  Oh well.

Item #10- Swaddling Blankets              
 These differ from puffy quilt type blankets. They are thinner and more stretchy and are easier               to wrap your baby up like a little burrito. I am a huge believer in swaddling of newborns.                Each time after I would nurse, change and burp, I would swaddle that baby up tight.

One other item on my table was always my remote control. :) Whenever I nursed during the night I was sure to keep lights off or down very low and I would keep the TV volume really really quiet but I had to have something on so I didn't fall asleep. I have good memories of watching the Leno show or Cosby show reruns many times.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post Shari! All new mothers should read this!! I am so with you on setting up stations. And Aquaphor was my best friend with baby #3. And how could I forget the adorable bobby you bought me for my little man. :) I'm excited for you that you get to do all the fun stuff this time around without all of the sleepless nights! One lucky little baby coming your way. :)
